Reflecting on My Time Abroad

I am now home, and reflecting on my time in Paris. It has been the most amazing year full of stories and memories I will cherish for the rest of my life. I am leaving feeling a changed person ready to return to Glasgow and see everyone again. I thought for this blog I would […]

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Reflecting on Semester One: A Journey of Academic and Personal Growth    

This past semester has been full of the most amazing moments and memories. It was a few months of my life I will never forget. I feel I have grown so much as a person as well as academically. My independence has increased massively, and I have become confident in putting myself into situations outside […]

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How to adapt to a different language 

When you first go abroad to a country where you don’t speak the language it can feel extremely nerve-racking. I was silent for the first 4 weeks of living here and I just communicated through ‘Oui’ and ‘Non’, because I was terrified to actually speak French to French people. However I quickly realised I couldn’t spend my […]

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Living in Paris – the accommodation search

Paris… one of the most magical places ever. True! This is obviously the reason most of us consider Paris as our study-abroad destination. It is lively, cultural and relatively close to home in Glasgow. However, when looking to move the greatest difficulty will face you – the administration. For me, it was the search for […]

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Keeping a positive mindset

Over the last few months I have sometimes struggled to both stay on top of my work while balancing the troubles of daily life without being brought down by quotidian grind. Amidst a national lockdown, having broken my laptop and living by myself, it has been a tough few months. Nevertheless, I stride to enjoy […]

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My French Language Learning Journey

Starting 2021, I thought it was a good time to have a moment of reflection on my language learning journey thus far as well as setting new goals for the forthcoming year. As a non-language student (studying Economics), I’d also like to share skills and tips which, in hindsight, may have provided me with some […]

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University Life: France vs the UK

Arriving in France bright and starry eyed, I had never really considered the difference in teaching styles compared to the style of teaching at Glasgow. For my first month I was living the Parisian dream, morning baguette runs, wine by the Seine, thrift shopping and then at the beginning of October my course started. Little […]

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The Language Barrier – Paris, France

Moving to Paris I was aware of the possible language barrier however I may have underestimated the impact it would have on my new Parisian life. Having visited Paris as a tourist I had a somewhat false belief that the majority of Parisians could speak English. Boy was I wrong! Apartment Hunting When I first […]

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Miss u Paris

Hellooooo!!  After a long summer and some of the most amazing and fulfilling months of my life, my exchange semester has come to an end and it is almost time to go back to Glasgow. I have been back home for about two months now and it almost feels like the past 5 months in […]

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Frequently Asked Questions

HELLO everyone!! It has now been a bit more than a month since I left Paris, and I feel like its about time I update you all with another post. However, there is only so many posts I can make about what I did on my semester abroad, my best tips, etc., so today I […]

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The Honeymoon is over

Hello!  I have now been on exchange for a bit over 2 months, and I must admit that I am feeling a bit discouraged. I had such an amazing first month, constantly doing things with my friends, meeting new people, visiting cool places, doing all the things you envision you will do when you go […]

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Do what YOU want!!

Helloooo!  I wanted to write this blogpost to remind you to spend your study abroad year/semester doing what you want to, and not what you feel is expected of you! I have found that when you go abroad, there is a culture and quite an established expectation of travelling to as many places as possible, […]

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Workload & Structure Differences

Hello everyone!  I have now been in Paris for almost two months, and I must admit the workload is definitely starting to pick up. Before going abroad it is important to keep in mind and be aware of the fact that not every university will do things academically in the same way as Glasgow does. […]

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School Trip

Hellooo! This past weekend the International Club (IC) at IESEG had planned a two-day trip to Amsterdam and Bruges. Because I have lived in Belgium most of my life, and I have visited Amsterdam before, I was not so sure I wanted to go on this trip. Though, in the end I decided it was […]

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First week in Paris

Hello everyone!! I have now been at IESEG School of Management in Paris for about a week, and so far so good. Of course, as with anything, it is very daunting in the beginning when you know no one and it is normal to feel quite alone. However, I must admit that my experience has […]

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